Front of World's Smallest Jigsaw Puzzle- The Life Aquatic - Measures 4 x 6 inches when assembled- Includes Tweezers. 204 die-cut pieces. Only 4 x 6 inches.
Picture of puzzle art. Different fish swimming.
Picture of someone using tweezers to hold puzzle piece. Puzzle piece is smaller than fingertip.

TDC Games World's Smallest Jigsaw Puzzle - The Life Aquatic - Measures 4 x 6 inches when assembled - Includes Tweezers

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This is a mini puzzle with tiny pieces. While it is small, it can take an afternoon to assemble. This puzzle is great for those that enjoy puzzling, but don't want to sacrifice a whole table top for assembling a puzzle. This one doesn't take up much space, but will still provide you with hours of entertainment. It comes with a set of plastic tweezers that you will need to assemble the puzzle. The Life Aquatic depicts colorful fish and underwater life on a coral reef. This die-cut puzzle is perfect for any puppy lover.Each piece is small enough to fit on the tip of your finger, making this the ultimate challenge to test your patience. Makes a great stocking stuffer.
  • Tiny jigsaw puzzle pieces measure roughly 1/2 inch
  • 204 tiny pieces included,puzzle image may vary
  • Completed puzzles measures only 4 x 6 inches
  • Plastic tweezers are included to complete the puzzle