Flaming Fun for Everyone! Spice up game night with this quick-playing party game for the whole family. Three hot rounds make up a game. HOT ONES has you rolling as many ones as you can in 30 seconds. PAIR-A-DICE gives you one hot minute to roll two pair of the highest value you can. FLAMIN' FAST FIVES has you roll five of a kind in the fastest time. If you total the most after all three rounds, holy smokes! You win! After playing all 3 rounds, total your scores: if you have the most points, you're HOT, baby! You win! . You'll also need: Score pad, pen and a Smartphone timer. 3 ROUNDS OF HOT FUN: Round 1: Hot Peppers. Round 2: 2 Pair-a-dice. Round 3: Flamin' Fast Fives. Great addition for game night, birthday parties, and family gatherings. Use for grab bag gift or Christmas stocking stuffer.
- SRIRACHA DICE: Flaming Fun for Everyone! Spice up game night with this quick-playing party game for the whole family and beyond! This game is three rounds of continuous flaming fun!
- HOW TO WIN: After playing all three flaming fun rounds, total each individual scores � if you are the lucky on to have the most points, you�re HOT as sriracha, baby! You win!
- SPICY DICE: 5 standard red six-sided dice. You�ll also need: Score pad, pen and a Smartphone timer. No dice cup included. Educational games, group games.
- 3 ROUNDS OF HOT FUN: Round 1: Hot Peppers. Round 2: 2 Pair-a-dice. Round 3: Flamin� Fast Fives. Fun games for family game night, boat games, camping games for families